Everyone knows some degree of design. No one living in this modern world could avoid it, really, design is everywhere. In fact almost everything in our environment has been designed one way or another, from our tv programs to food packages to cars to the architecture of our buildings and the layout of our cities, to the billboards, magazines, clothing, furniture, technology, neon signs and movie posters. After being exposed to so much, even if someone cannot themselves design, they should certainly be able to judge what they like and what they don't. Some would have you believe that design is an absolute secret known by only a chosen few, and that the average person knows nothing of aesthetics. Our view is that in art there is obviously not one only truth, but many things can be attractive for many different reasons. There is no reason to be bound to any one way of thinking, and different styles of design call for different approaches. When working with a client in a new industry, we take time to review that industry, to determine what is typical and accepted. We then collaborate with the client to determine the best design angle to represent their business. As we develop a project we keep the client involved to make sure we're on track. Our goal is to create an image which is both professional within your industry, and makes you look better than the competition.
There is now such a thing as information overload. People are continually bombarded by the marketing messages of every business on the planet. Every human simply adapts to today's society by filtering out the information they don't need.
Are your customers filtering out your message? Just think about it: How much of the junk mail you get do you actually read? What commercials stick out in your mind? When was the last time you went to a "This Weekend Only!!!" sale? How often do you attentively listen to a telemarketer? People are only looking for the information that is useful to them. Even if your message is useful, if your customer groups it with the rest of the useless information they pass over, then you've wasted your time and money. MAKE YOUR MESSAGE STAND OUT People are treated as consumers from the moment they are born. People today have grown up watching TV commercials that make every product look like the best buy in the world. Inform your customers of your products and services without overloading them. Bluntness works. The direct approach works. Honesty works (be careful). Simple aesthetics link your message with a positive feeling. Familiarity leads to perceptions of professionalism and trust. If you invest in your image, you can appear to be large, professional, established and successful. Its not about how your business presents its message, its about how people perceive that message. Think about how you would perceive it, then realistically evaluate how many others would think like you. Don't do what everyone else is doing. Use humor. Use eye candy. Shock. Get attention. Use blank space. Pleasing colors. Simple balance.