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QuickBooks Seminars

Associate your products or services with QuickBooks and you will find your company linked to over 96% of small businesses. Tap into these business-to-business opportunities by hosting QuickBooks seminars. You can showcase your products or services right in the seminar! Or, if you are an end user, we'll find the seminar that's right for you. Want to learn how to lead your own seminar? Purchase one of the following Seminar Toolkits:

QuickBooks Everyday User Seminar Toolkit
QuickBooks Contractors Seminar Toolkit
Accounting 101 Toolkit

View Calendar of Events.

Click here for Intuit's practice development article: "QuickBooks Seminars for Marketing"

QuickBooks Manuals

Written by the original authors of Intuit's Certified QuickBooks Professional Advisor courses, these comprehensive manuals guide the user to effectively utilize and customize the powerful accounting features, forms, and reports available in QuickBooks. Each manual is packed with over 200 pages of visual aids, step-by-step instructions, and tips & tricks. We'll put your firm's cover on the books so that your clients think of you every time they use QuickBooks! With our huge discount on bulk orders, you can resell the manuals to your clients for a profit!

Contact us for bulk pricing.

QuickBooks for the Everyday User
QuickBooks for Contractors
QuickBooks for Professional Services
QuickBooks for…(new releases just around the corner)

E-Newsletter Service

Are you looking to generate leads, build customer relationships and grow revenue? Start sending relevant, timely, and thought-provoking articles to your clients with your firm's branded email newsletter! Not only does our service provide all the tools required to launch your E-Newsletter, we also help you develop, design, and track the results of what your clients are reading, so you can target your services directly to your client interests.

Need an E-Newsletter for your organization? Contact us for more info.

View a sample of our E-Newsletter!

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E-Mail Stationery

In today's business world, most communication takes place via the Internet. You would never send a letter to a client that wasn't printed on letterhead, so why would you send an email without your company branding?!? Your E-Mail Stationery will contain graphic elements that form the electronic equivalent of an email typed on traditional letterhead. The graphics, including a header, background, links to your website, and digitized signature (optional), appear automatically each time you send an email. E-Mail Stationery provides advantages over paper, such as increased website traffic, reduced cost of communication, and immediate delivery of personalized messages to customers and prospects!

View samples of E-Mail Stationery!
Order E-Mail Stationery!